"Ouch!...you son of a bit..." Buffy Summers growled jerking away from
the mangled patch of wires and transistors formerly known as the
amplifier that powered her guitar. "Useless piece of..." she continued to
mutter in French adding several rather colourful and somewhat
impossible curses for good measure about the physical well-being of the
makers of the ancient sound equipment. Tossing aside her screwdriver in
disgust she gave the fried remains of her beloved amplifier a swift kick and
turned her attention to her quietly laughing audience of one. "What?"
She asked before dropping down to sit on the edge of the stage with a
tired sigh.
This had not been her week, well if she was going to be real honest with
herself, her year. She was terribly behind in her schoolwork, about to fail
most of her classes, except for French, which she apparently had a natural
aptitude for. Who knew she would have a flair for French insults and
curses? Then there was her mother, who was still nagging her about the
whole "musician" thing, the two hour lectures on the possibilities of
actually being able to support herself later in life had gotten really old five
minutes into the first lecture on the first night. Although that little fact
hadn't stopped her mother from continuing to try to change her only
child's mind on her chosen profession. So what if she wanted to be a
musician the rest of her life? It didn't matter if she ever got a record
contract or made it big. Music was the one constant in her life, the one
thing that had helped her get over her parents' divorce and the move to
Sunnydale. Then she had met Willow, the shy little redhead who's smile
seemed to light up the whole room. Well it seemed that way to Buffy
and that was all that really mattered.
"You're hopeless B," Faith replied with a laugh leaning back in her chair
with her booted feet propped up on the table in front of her. "You're so
sickeningly in love its nauseating." The Slayer continued with an evil little
smirk before taking a drink of her soda. Not that the dark-haired Slayer
begrudged the blonde musician any type of happiness, especially when
that happiness happened to be in the form of her best bud, Willow, she
just liked to tease her friends.
"I'll remember that the next time you need mouth to mouth, wouldn't
want you to get a cavity because of me," the blonde shot back with a
smirk of her own. Referring to that little incident earlier that month,
when Faith went after the Master on her own without the rest of the gang
as backup. By the time Buffy and the dark-haired vamp with a soul
caught up with her, Faith was laying face down in a pool of water.
"Well since I have absolutely no desire to ever repeat my little tango with
his dust-ship, anytime soon, I doubt you will be giving me any more
smootches, unless Red is there too - and willing." Faith replied her cocky
little grin growing at the immediate reaction from the blonde.
"You can keep you're smoochies to yourself." Buffy all but growled,
before seeing the laughter in her friend's eyes. Ever since Willow had
hesitantly introduced the blonde to her friends in the library, Faith had
taken every chance to tease the shy hacker she got. None of it meant
in a mean way, the musician had concluded, the Slayer just liked to watch
her Wills turn red. And Wills was learning how to return the Slayer's
shots with her own fire as they researched and insulted late at night in the
To most outsiders it would seem that the three of them rarely got along
with one another, the way they and Cordelia were constantly trading
insults. Which was totally untrue, while they did like to tell one another
off at least once a month, they didn't see it as expressing any hatred, it
was just the gang bellowing off a little stream every now and then. It
wasn't like they ever stayed mad at one another for any great period of
time. The longest the little group had ever gone without speaking was
like a day and a half, and that was only because Cordelia got stuck in traffic
and couldn't apologize for telling off the Slayer until Monday morning.
Hell the whole group would start worrying if they didn't pop off at one
another on regular basis; it just wasn't healthy in their opinion. They
were friends, in a lot of ways even family, and families argued, so it really
wasn't all that strange to them. They would insult one another, apologize
later and get on with their lives...it was normal...well as normal as it ever
got in Sunnydale anyway.
"So you're going hunting for that werewolf again?" Buffy asked changing
the subject. Sometimes it was best not to let the dark Slayer think about
smoochies and sex too long, she tended to start acting on such thoughts.
Every since that big hairy thing had evaded the Bronze two nights ago,
she had been on edge. Something about the way the creature was acting,
besides the over all "grrr" part and trying to eat several people on the
dance floor, had bothered her. Granted Faith was able to step in before it
could kill anyone, once Buffy had introduced the creature to the effects
of getting a live mike too close to an amplifier. There was something to
be said about feedback...it was our friend. 'At least, the amp went out as
a hero of sorts,' she ruefully thought thinking about the fried remains of
the heroic amplifier she had been trying to fix all afternoon.
"Oh yeah, going to introduce Big Bad to Mr. Dart Gun, the two of them
just have to met." Faith replied merrily, a big goofy looking grin
plastered across her face. After finally taking care of the Master once and
for all, a wasted six months dusting half his minions including that
annoying little one, just to get close enough to the mutant Uncle Fester.
She was looking forward to wrapping up this little problem too and
spending the rest of school year sleeping in class like a normal teenager.
Thankfully the werewolf problem didn't cause too many headaches while
she was hunting down the master and his bratty kids. Well except for the
three nights during the full moon cycle, sometimes she didn't get in until
after sunrise the nest day as she chased vampires and one really elusive
werewolf around town at all hours.
"You really like that dart gun, don't you?" Buffy asked cocking her head
to one side, remembering the glazed over look the Slayer got every time
she went near the weapon's cage in the library.
"What's not to like?" Came the eager reply, as Faith pulled her feet off of
the table and stood to stretch. "If I can figure out a way to get it to shot
little wooden stakes my job would be so much easier...You hear that?"
she asked suddenly her enhanced hearing picking up a stray noise near the
back door. Since Big Bad's little romp through the Bronze two nights
ago, she had also been a little edgy.
Aside from it being the first time the werewolf had been spotted inside a
building, that earlier incident where she fought it inside the sporting good
shop not counting since she was the one that threw said werewolf
through the picture window to begin with. The creature seemed really
focused two nights ago, like it was real determined to get to a certain
person in the Bronze. She hadn't said anything to B, but Faith was pretty
sure that Big Bad had been headed right for Red. Maybe she was
overreacting and Red just happened to be in the general vicinity of the
creature's path that night...yeah right. If she believed that one, then
Darla had been one hell of a snappy dresser before Fang dusted the blonde
vampire. Something else was going on with Big Bad, she could feel it in
her bones she didn't know how it involved Red...yet, but she was going
to find out. No one, vamp, demon or otherwise messed with her friends,
it tended to annoy her when one of them got hurt. It made her want to
break things, put people in hospital, and do several other really antisocial
things to people and demons she didn't know. In all it made for an
unhappy Slayer and when the Slayer was unhappy the demon populace
was made to feel pain. It was one of those unspoken rules of Sunnydale
not found in any of the tour guides, along with the fact that the town
itself set over the gates to hell.
"Nah," Buffy replied jumping down from her perch on the side of the
stage. "It could be one of bouncers or something," she suggested coming
to stand beside Faith.
"Yeah could be...wanna take a look?" The Slayer offered with a twinkle in her eyes.
Buffy was near the back door when she finally heard the noise that had
first alerted Faith near the stage. Putting her hand on the handle of the
back door she listens for a moment to see if she could hear the noise
again. Sunset was still a few hours away so it couldn't be a vampire, then
she heard it. A voice she could recognize in a thunderstorm just outside
the back door. 'Willow!' her mind screamed. She jerked the door open and
rushed outside without a second thought, reason being overwhelmed by
instinct. Her Wills was in trouble and she didn't care if she had to go
through a chaos demon, but she would get to her girlfriend one way or
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!" She growled, grabbing a hold of the
figure that had backed the small redhead into a corner of the alley, and
forcibly pulled him away from her Wills with a jerk. "You!" she all but
cursed recognizing the senior that had been following Willow around
campus the past few months. At first they didn't think too much about
it until he had nearly followed her into the girls' locker room one day.
After that the gang had closed ranks around Willow trying to keep the
guy as far away from the redhead as possible.
Oz, the blue haired senior, rolled quickly to his feet and charged the
blonde standing between him and his prize. He had been following the
redhead around for weeks trying to get her alone, but one of her friends
had always been hanging around running him off. But not today, he had
caught her alone on her way to the Bronze to meet the annoying blonde
bitch that was the most vocal of her friends running him off. He had
almost had her too, when the very same blonde had come out the back
door and ruined everything. Well he wasn't going to take it anymore, he
had only wanted to talk to the shy redhead, get her to go out with him.
Now it seems that he was going to have to take what he wanted and
maybe shut up that annoying blonde for awhile.
The sounds of fighting had drawn Faith out the back door as well, taking
in the situation quickly she made two firm decisions. One that B was
having a lot of fun without her, fighting a guy with blue hair. And two
that the same blue haired guy was the one that had been creeping out
Willow lately. "All right, do I have to get a hose?" She questioned
reaching for the guy struggling with Buffy. Only to be stopped by a
strange little growl followed closely by a cry of pain.
Shaking off her surprise, Faith grabbed Oz by the back of his shirt and
forcible removed him from Buffy, momentarily forgetting her own
strength and sending him flying further than she intended. "Oops!" She
said, as he flew into bunch of empty boxes piled next to the dumpster,
taking a moment to enjoy the sound he made on impact.
"Faith!" Willow's cry prevented her form doing a little more pounding
on Oz, like she had wanted to. Something about the guy annoyed her,
maybe it was his inability to decide on a hair colour and stick with it for
more then a week, such indecisiveness really got on her nerves...and she
absolutely hated that shade of blue on him. Turning her attention back
to her friends, she found Willow crouched next to a bleeding Buffy.
"What happened?" she questioned, briefly wondering if he had a knife she
didn't see at first, if there was a knife somewhere in that alley she was "so"
going to hurt blue-boy.
"He bit me." Buffy replied pressing her right hand against her bleeding upper arm.
"He bit me," she said again trying to stop the flow of blood steadily flowing down her arm.
'No that can't be right,' Faith told herself firmly after the initial shock
wore off. 'B wouldn't be bleeding that much unless...' she added to
herself before dropping to her knees in front of Buffy to take a look at
the bite mark herself. "Let me take a look," she said, trying to keep her
own fear under control, she was the Slayer she could handle anything.
Well just about anything. "That's not human," Willow said in a dull
whisper her eyes wide with fear for her girlfriend. "Because human bites
shouldn't look like that and even if they do they still shouldn't be
considered human", the redhead continued, going into full babble mode,
turning her eyes to Faith begging her to make everything all right.
Because Faith the was the Slayer and she could make anything all right,
she always did, it was her gift.
Tearing her eyes away from Willow's scared and confused ones, she
threw a quick look over her shoulder. "Damn!" she cursed as she catched
blue-boy disappearing around the corner of the building. 'Worry about
him later,' she decided thinking fast. She would tear apart the town if she
had to but she would find him. "Giles, we got to get to Giles." She said
firmly, helping Buffy to her feet. 'Then I'm going to add blue-boy to the
'things-to-Slay list.'
The School Library
Giles looked up from the ancient tome he was reading when the three
young girls came crashing through the library doors with little warning.
"G, we need you over here!" Faith called out, guiding Buffy to the
nearest chair.
"W-what happened," he asked scrambling around the research table once
he saw her blood soaked shirtsleeve.
"Blue-boy bite her," Faith replied moving out of the way to let the
Librarian/Watcher take a look at the wound. The redhead had already
disappeared into the office only to return moments later with the first aid
kit, that bordered on actually being a trauma kit, Giles's private stash of
medicinal herbs and the fire extinguisher. Although Faith was a bit
puzzled over why they would need the fire extinguisher she wisely kept
her mouth shut, Willow looked like she was about to spit nails. And
while the Slayer did tend to be reckless at times she was not stupid, she
could tell an emotionally distraught person when she saw one and wasn't
about to risk getting attacked by one. 'No sir, not this Slayer,' she told
herself leaning back against the table so she could watch Giles work from
a safe distance.
Dumping everything onto the table Willow planted herself next to the
injured blonde, her demeanor shifting from being scared out of her wits
to being outraged that he wasn't moving fast enough.
"Blue-boy?" Giles questioned crouching down so he could a better look at Buffy's arm.
"Oz...you know the guy that's been hanging around Red a lot."
"Ah...I thought his hair was green" Giles replied absently, carefully
peeling away the shredded blood soaked shirtsleeve. "Ahhh, I-I'm going
to have to re-remove your shirt." He added glancing up into Buffy's pain
clouded eyes. In the time it took to get to the library, the pain in her arm
had developed into a steady throbbing and she had begun to get a bit
light headed from the loss of blood.
"Its blue today," Faith commented leaving her safe position to step closer
to Willow and Giles who were both trying to take off Buffy's shirt
without causing her too much pain. Batting their hands away, she briefly
catched the musician's eyes with her own. "Hate to be doing this B," she
said in a low voice before grabbing a handful of fabric in each hand and
ripping the shirt open down the front.
"No you're not", Buffy replied with a weak smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
After a moment, "You're right, I'm not...so am I better than Red at
tearing your clothes off?" she couldn't help but ask, a naughty little grin
shining in her eyes as she retreated back to her former position.
"Wouldn't you like to know....." Buffy shot back as Willow slipped the
ruined shirt off over her shoulders, Giles having turned his attention to
the medical supplies and...the fire extinguisher. Giving his Slayer a
confused look, he decides to drop the matter when Faith only gave him
an amused smirk and a shrug. Somethings he was just happier not
knowing, he decided before opening the medical kit and rummaging
around inside of it for bandages and the disinfectant.
Returning to his attention to his patient, he set about cleaning and
disinfecting the injury as best he could. "You say you were bitten by
another student?" he asked after a few moments, having finally gotten the
bleeding to stop so he could take a closer look at it.
"Yeah," Buffy replied trying to cane her head around to see what he was
doing to her arm. "Came out the back door of the Bronze and found Oz
backing Wills into a corner", she explained between hissing as Giles
cleaned the wound as carefully as he could. "We got into a fight, then
Faith showed up to pull him off me...he gave me this in return."
"Was there anything else? Anything unusual?" he asked his mind racing.
He knew that the bite had not been made by a human, it couldn't have
been. There were two rather deep punctured marks around some badly torn
skin. The bite mark seemed familiar he just couldn't place where he had
seen such. It wasn't a vampire bite, too early in the day for that. No
this was something entirely else, he decided trying to remember just
where he had seen the bite mark.
"Yeah.. ah...there was this growl...not like a vamp. More like a dog or
something." Willow replied placing a hand on Buffy's uninjured shoulder.
The overwhelming panic, that had pretty much taken over when she had first
seen all the blood, was now leaving her as Giles calmly cleaned up the musician.
'Why does Giles have the fire extinguisher out?' she asked herself , giving
Buffy's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
"A dog?!" Giles questioned sharply, looking up from his work.
"Yeah...at least that is what it sounded like anyway." Faith answered
pulling herself out of her relaxed position. 'Oh damn!' she cursed her
mind already working. "Red where did you put those autopsy photos
from last month's werewolf attack?" She questioned remembering just
why the bite seemed so familiar to her back in the alley.
"W-werewolf attack?" Willow asked in a really small voice a feeling of
dread going through her and settling in the pit of her stomach.
"Yes...the werewolf attack, I need to see the bite marks." Faith replied
trying to remain calm because if what she thought had happened really
did happen then B's life had just become a hell of a lot more complicated.
"Giles?" Buffy asked while Faith and Willow descended upon the library's
computer where the redheaded hacker kept most of her 'somewhat illegal
but very valuable' information. "What's going to happen to me?" She
questioned in a small voice once she had gotten his attention. She wasn't
kidding herself, she had seen those autopsy photos just like the rest of the
gang had, she knew what bite marks they were about on the remains of
the werewolf's victims. She had also read up on the whole werewolf curse,
when the first victims started to turn up a few months ago, she knew
perfectly well that she had just been screwed over by a werewolf named
Daniel Ozbourne. And that now she had the curse too.
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Giles replied after a
moment. "But first we have to make sure that you are confined for the
evening....it'll be sundown in a few hours, you need to be safely locked
up by then", he continued, his eyes never once leaving the young girl's
face. He could tell that she was terrified and that she was trying to be
brave in the face of a very uncertain future. 'But it's a future she will not
be facing alone.' He vowed to himself, knowing beyond all doubt that he
would not rest until he found a cure for the werewolf curse.
Continued in